
Remember the Sabbath to Keep it Holy –

The Sabbath: How Do We Know Which Day It Is ? article originally published in Signs of the Times, September 22, 2015 written by: Ed Dickerson I took a tour of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, USA, a while back, and my guide said that “the Declaration of Independence was signed in this room on July 4,

Remember the Sabbath to Keep it Holy – Read More »

Is “Contemplative Prayer” really Christian ?

A powerful message by a former eastern mystic, whom the Lord Jesus Christ has delivered and saved. This is one of 4 short videos which reveal the present dangers facing our churches across this world, as ancient spiritualism and spiritual formation techniques (such as centering prayer, contemplative prayer, labyrinth walking, spiritual drumming, tai-chi, yoga, mantras, breath prayer and

Is “Contemplative Prayer” really Christian ? Read More »

The Power of Simply Believing God . . . ?

     “We have most precious Promises in the Word of God, which ought to give us courage and confidence. They should enable us to come out of uncertainty and darkness, to come where we may know that the Spirit beareth witness with our spirit (mind) that we are the children of God. There is nothing

The Power of Simply Believing God . . . ? Read More »