articles of faith

The Submerging Church ?

[youtube=] “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine (Biblical teaching); but after their own carnal desires, shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears . . . And they shall turn away their ears from the Truth, and shall be turned unto fables . . . !”   II Timothy […]

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The Cost of the Anointing ?

[youtube=] A powerful message by David Wilkerson, the former pastor of Times Square Church, NYC, and author of “The Cross and the Switchblade.” It is this consecration of soul and body, that we must seek individually, as well as on behalf of those who lead the congregation of the Lord Jesus Christ (Adoni Yehushua ha Moshiac) . .

The Cost of the Anointing ? Read More »

Christian Courtship, dating and Marriage ?

[youtube=]      Probably the most powerful message on this subject we have ever seen !   And recommended for every child of the LORD, whether single or married. This was shared with a Christian student group at Virginia Tech University, and is appropriate for all ages (especially 12 years old and up).     It is our prayer that

Christian Courtship, dating and Marriage ? Read More »

Return of the Sovereign King !

[youtube=] How close are we . . . ?      This message was given in 2008. And although a short time has passed, many of the subjects and illustrations presented have only grown in clarity and greater significance !   We encourage all who love the LORD (Jehovah, Yehuwah), to seek every opportunity to search the

Return of the Sovereign King ! Read More »