
You are Complete in Him ! – part.1

      “Buried with Him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with Him through faith in the operation (the power, the work) of God . . . . Who hath raised Him from the dead !   ref: Romans 6:1-6, Galatians 2:20 & Ephesians 1:17-21       In Whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made […]

You are Complete in Him ! – part.1 Read More »

The Alpha & Omega of Apostasy – Brandon Mascarenas

   “I call upon those who have been connected with these binding influences to break the yoke to which they have long submitted, and stand as free men in Christ. Nothing but a determined effort will break the spell that is upon them. Be not deceived; many will depart from the faith, giving heed to

The Alpha & Omega of Apostasy – Brandon Mascarenas Read More »

Questions on Music ?

Comparing Hymns and Contemporary Worship Songs As most of you know, I believe wholeheartedly that a healthy church chooses congregational songs with theologically rich text and well-crafted, singable music. This is part one of a three part discussion on some of the differences between hymnody and contemporary worship songs. The Problem      Protestant denominations have

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How mainstream media destroys families – Scott Mayer

   “Are we prepared for the trial which awaits us when the lying wonders of Satan shall be more fully exhibited?     Will not many souls be ensnared and taken?       By departing from the plain precepts and Commandments of God, and giving heed to fables, the minds of many are preparing to receive these

How mainstream media destroys families – Scott Mayer Read More »

Exodus – The True Story of History’s Greatest Deliverance !

Reared in the ways of the God of the heavens during his early childhood, Moses, who was drawn from the water, was moved from his humble abode to one of privilege with every amenity. Temptation abounded, but the teaching of his mother in the way of truth lingered in his mind, even as he was

Exodus – The True Story of History’s Greatest Deliverance ! Read More »