
The Dragon Revealed ! – from darkness to Light

Thank you !       Little Light Studios and Isaiah Ministries extend our deepest thanks to every brother and sister in Christ Jesus who has lifted us, and this film project in their prayers. And we also thank the LORD God Almighty (Yehuwah El’ Shaddai), through Whom all things are possible . . . . for […]

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The Righteousness of God – how It is obtained ?

     “Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted unto him for (as) righteousness . . . Know ye therefore, that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham !”   “And if children, then heirs . . . heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ . . . !”   Galatians

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The Dragon Revealed – Coming Soon July 17th !

[youtube=]        After more than 4 years of diligent work, the men at Little Light Studios & Isaiah Ministries, are happy to announce the release of our new 2 part film, The Dragon Revealed !     The release date is set for July 17th, and we ask for your prayers over the next few weeks

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