
“Fight Church” – Discerning between Light and darkness ?

     There is a polarization taking place all around us Today . . . . men and women are choosing sides, and standing under the banner of either Christ or Satan. And the sides can be known only as we compare the character with that of the Son of Almighty God, as revealed in His Word

“Fight Church” – Discerning between Light and darkness ? Read More »

I Have Set Before thee an Open Door, which no man can shut !

Our Privileges in Christ Jesus –      “To whom He said, This is the Rest wherewith ye shall cause the weary to rest; and this is the Refreshing; yet they would not hear . . . . !”         Isaiah 28:12-13 & ref: Hebrews 3:18-19 & 4:1-12 & Exodus 31:12-17      Full and free the invitation

I Have Set Before thee an Open Door, which no man can shut ! Read More »

And all the world wondered after the Beast . . . !

[youtube=]      “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard (ref: Daniel 7:1-8), and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion . . . . And the dragon (Revelation 12:7-9) gave him his power (miracle working), and his seat (breastplate), and

And all the world wondered after the Beast . . . ! Read More »