
He is Mighty to Save . . . !

    “Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in His apparel (the robe of His righteousness) travelling in the greatness of His strength? . . . I that speak in righteousness, am mighty to save !” Isaiah 63:1, ref: Revelation 19:11-16 & Isaiah 61:1-3 “Jesus knows the circumstances

He is Mighty to Save . . . ! Read More »

When they say peace . . . ?

Pope Francis welcomes former Israeli President Shimon Peres during their meeting at the Vatican (CNS) – Former Israeli President Shimon Peres has said that Pope Francis is more powerful than the United Nation when it comes to advocating peace . . . While visiting the Vatican earlier today, Mr Peres asked Pope Francis to head

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Perils of the Emerging Church ?

A powerful message from Steve Wohlberg – What exactly is “the Emerging church” ?  and why are we now seeing students, pastors and many congregations being encouraged to introduce “Spiritual Formation” programs into their curriculums?   Is there a danger that we may be opening the door to teachings of which we were warned of more than a hundred years ago

Perils of the Emerging Church ? Read More »

The Dragon Revealed ! – from darkness to Light

Thank you !       Little Light Studios and Isaiah Ministries extend our deepest thanks to every brother and sister in Christ Jesus who has lifted us, and this film project in their prayers. And we also thank the LORD God Almighty (Yehuwah El’ Shaddai), through Whom all things are possible . . . . for

The Dragon Revealed ! – from darkness to Light Read More »