“And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, no so much as about the door . . . . And He (Jesus, Yehushua) proclaimed the Word unto them !” Mark 2:1-12
“And they were astonished at His teaching, for His Word was with power . . . !” Luke 4:32 & I Thessalonians 2:13
“To my ministering brethren I would say, Preach the Word. Do not bring to the foundation wood, hay, and stubble,–your own surmisings and speculations, which can benefit no one. Subjects of vital importance are revealed in the Word of God, and these are worthy of our deepest thought. But we are not to search into matters on which God has been silent . . . .
When questions arise upon which we are uncertain, let us ask, What saith the Scripture?
And if the Scripture is silent upon the question at issue, let it not be made the subject of discussion. Let those who wish for something new, seek for that newness of Life resulting from the new birth. Let them purify their souls by obeying the Truth . . . . Thy Word is Truth (Verity), and act in harmony with the instruction that Christ has given. ref: John 17:17
The only question asked in the judgment will be, “Have they been obedient to My commandments?” Petty strife and contention over questions of no importance has no part in God’s great plan. Those who teach the Truth should be men of solid minds, who will not lead their hearers into a field of thistles (to entangle them), as it were, and leave them there.
The sacrifice of Christ as an atonement for sin is the great Truth around which all other truths cluster. In order to be rightly understood and appreciated, every Truth in the Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation, must be studied in the Light that streams from the cross of Calvary. I present before you the great, grand monument of mercy and regeneration, Salvation (deliverance, freedom, healing) and Redemption, –the Son of God uplifted on the cross. This is to be the foundation of every discourse given by our ministers. – Gospel Workers p.314-315
Ministers are to present Christ in His fullness both in the churches and in new fields, that the hearers may have an intelligent faith. The people must be instructed that Christ is unto them Salvation and Righteousness. It is Satan’s studied purpose to keep souls from believing in Christ as their only Hope; for the blood of Christ that cleanseth from all sin is efficacious (works effectively and powerfully) in behalf of those only who believe in its merit (value, worthiness) !
Some Listening to the Last Sermon
God would draw minds from the conviction of logic to a conviction deeper, purer, and more glorious. Often human logic has nearly quenched the Light that God would have shine forth in clear rays to convince men that the Lord of nature is worthy of all praise and glory, because He is the Creator of all things !
Some ministers err in making their sermons wholly argumentative. There are those who listen to the theory of the Truth, and are impressed with the evidences brought out . . . . then, if Christ is presented as the Saviour of the world, the seed sown may spring up and bear fruit to the glory of God. But often the cross of Calvary is not presented before the people.
Some may be listening to the last sermon they will ever hear, and the golden opportunity lost, is lost forever. If in connection with the theory of the Truth, Christ and His redeeming love had been proclaimed, these might have been won to His side !”
–Gospel Workers, pp. 157, 158. (1915) {Ev 193.2}