We thank you for your prayers and your support. For the LORD has blessed above and beyond all that we could have asked or even imagined. During our 3 week trip with Steps to Life of sharing the Glad Tidings of the freedom which has been given to every child of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, we have seen the LORD’s hand in mighty ways !
We also thank the entire team of Steps to Life Australia for all that they did to make this series possible. For not only has the last days danger of spiritualism and Eastern mysticism been revealed to thousands of God’s children, but many more have for perhaps the first time taken hold of Christ and the victory and freedom which He lived, died and rose again to freely give to all who are willing to believe !
This new 6 part series has been specially prepared for Eric and Sarah’s 2016 visit with Steps to Life of Australia. The series presented and filmed there in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane contains 80% new and updated materials not included in the original film sets from Little Light Studios and Amazing Discoveries.
Part 4 greatly expands on the pagan roots of many of today’s holistic and alternative energy healing methods. Practices such as acupuncture, Reiki, kinesiology, iridology, Ayurveda, qigong and aromatherapy are examined closely, along with the history and spiritual background of their founders.
It is our prayer that what you learn here will help to shed Light from God’s Word on many of the practices coming into the Christian church under the guise of alternative health and healing.
Please contact Little Light Studios or Steps to Life Australia at the links below to order the full 6 part series on DVD, or to watch by digital download.
Little Light Studios.tv
Steps to Life Australia
Eric began training in the martial arts at the age of fourteen, just after his parent’s separation. Searching for meaning and purpose in his life, he began his journey on a path which promised assurance, confidence, and self-control.
Over the next 24 years of training, Eric received black belt and instructor certification in seven styles of the combative arts. He was inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. With a background in natural and alternative medicine, Eric studied extensively in the field of energy healing. He was recognized as an instructor in the Chinese internal arts of Tai-chi Chuan, Bagua Zhang, Qi-gong and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The life he lived was to all appearances a success. but through the years involved in these Eastern mystical arts, Eric had become blind to the forces which had set themselves to destroy both himself, his wife Sarah, and their children. Their marriage crumbled . . .
Then a miracle happened which would forever change their lives. After nearly five years of separation and divorce, the Lord Jesus Christ, in answer to the prayers of faith reunited Eric and Sarah in the covenant of marriage, restoring both their family and their home.
Eric shares the miracle of how God opened his blind eyes, and delivered him from the powers of darkness. Today, Eric and Sarah’s lives are dedicated to sharing the Glad Tidings of the Salvation and freedom in Christ which we have each been given through faith in Him . . . Of His love and His power, and His great desire to set every captive free !
If you are interested in scheduling a speaking engagement or seminar; or if you have questions or are in need of prayer, please feel free to contact Isaiah Ministries at the address on our contact page.
And to see the original Dragon Revealed from Little Light Studios, please CLICK the link below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCg93… – The Dragon Revealed ! disc.1 Original film
May the LORD (Jehovah, Yehuwah) both bless and keep you, strong in faith and the unfailing power of His Life-giving Word !
your brother in Christ Jesus,
Eric Wilson and family – Isaiah Ministries
Eric, hi,
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Blessings onto you and your family from our dear Lord God, in the sureness of and trust in His steadfast love shown to us by the sacrificial death and resurrection of His Son Jesus the Messiah. Luiz