This is part 3 of our powerful new “Even at the Doors” series, in which we are taking a closer look at God’s coming judgments upon idolatry, and the Parthenon that is standing in Nashville, TN. It is our prayer that this series will be a blessing to millions of God children across the world.
And we sincerely thank you for your help in making this possible ! – Climate Change & the Omega Point, Series Preview – Even at the Doors ! part.1 – As in the Days of Noah ! part.2
We also thank you, if you would like to send a gift or donation to help with this film series project.
Please CLICK HERE to send a gift directly through our ministry site –
May our Saviour and Almighty God bless and keep you and your family this week,
strong in faith . . . and the unfailing power of His Life-giving Word !
your friend and brother in Christ Jesus,
Eric Wilson and family – Isaiah Ministries