” And thou, O king, sawest . . . . and behold, a great image, whose brightness was exceeding great, and whose head was of fine gold, his chest and arms were of silver, his belly and thighs were of brass, and his legs of iron, and his feet were part iron and part of clay . . .
And thou sawest that the iron and clay shall mingle themselves with the seed of men . . . but they shall not cleave one to another. And thou sawest that a Stone was cut out without hands (not by man’s power), and became a great Mountain . . .
And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up (establish – Matthew 28:18-19) a Kingdom, which shall never be destroyed . . . !”
Daniel 2:31-45
A powerful study . . . CLICK HERE for more information, or to order your copy from Little Light Studios. – http://www.littlelightstudios.tv/shop/
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