The enemy of souls is now seeking with every effort, to “hide the Light” streaming to each of us from the open doors of heaven. But our Lord (Sovereign King) and Saviour has promised us . . . “Behold (look and see), I have set before thee an open door, which no man can shut . . . !”
May these promises from our Father in heaven, bring you Light, and strength, and hope from His Word today !
Thus saith the LORD . . . . “Therefore, O thou son of man, speak unto the house of Israel, and tell them . . . Thus ye speak,
saying, If our transgressions* (rebellion and apostasies) and our sins* (habitual, continual failures) be upon us, and we pine away (are
consumed) in them, How shall we then live ?
Say unto them . . . . As I live, saith the Lord GOD . . . for the Just shall live by faith !” Ezekiel 33:10-11 and ref: Romans 1:17
note: To “live by faith” is literally . . . to live (to know your sins have been borne by the Lamb of God and forgiven). And to stand Today, and walk in faith in newness of Life ! not because of what we may “feel,” but rather because that is what God has promised . . . and He verily cannot lie !
ref: Isaiah 52:1-7 and 38:15-19 and Isaiah 12:1-6*
When our Redeemer went to Calvary, God’s Word assures us that “the LORD hath laid upon Him (as our great High Priest), the iniquities* of us all . . .” The sins and transgressions of the entire human race were laid upon Him.
Today, the LORD is asking each of us to “Look and live !”
“Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away* the sins of the world . . .” – John 1:29 and Hebrews 10:4-20
And the LORD has promised, that . . . “He hath made Him (Jesus) to BE sin for us (in exchange for us), so that we might be made the righteousness* (victory, purity, holiness and perfection) of God* (Deity, divinity) in Him !”
ref: Isaiah 53:3-12 and II Corinthians 5:21 and I Peter 2:24
And how does the LORD God do this ?
the very same way in which He creates or does anything . . . . He speaks it.
“For by the Word of the LORD were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath (Spirit) of His mouth . . . for He spake, and it was done; yea, He commanded, and it still stands fast !” – Psalm 33:6-9
“For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens . . . yea, God Himself that formed the earth . . . . I have not spoken in secret, in
some dark place of the earth. Yea, I said not unto the seed (children) of Jacob, Seek ye Me in vain . . .
For I the LORD (Jehovah, Yehuwah) speak righteousness, I declare things that ARE (and make them right-righteous).” “And I that speak in righteousness Am Mighty to SAVE !”
ref: Isaiah 45:11-13 and 45:17-19
and Isaiah 63:1
“As it is written . . . I call those things which BE not (Genesis 1:1-5), as though they already are !” – Romans 4:17
“To declare, I say . . . His Righteousness That God might be just, and the Justifier of all them that believeth in Jesus* (the very Word and Promise of Almighty God personally to you and to I) . . . Today, if you will only hear My voice !”
Romans 3:26, 25 and Hebrews 3:7-19
JESUS (Yehushua) literally means = Jehovah Saves, YHWH is become our Salvation !
This is what it means to “walk by faith and not by sight . . .” It means that we choose to believe what God has spoken to us, and then standing up, as the man at the pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-9), shaking ourselves from the dust (Isaiah 52:1-3), we walk each day, by faith in the newness of His Life . . . – which is imparted to us the moment we choose to believe and surrender, . . . ref: Jeremiah 23:5-6 and Revelation 3:20
“For if . . . when we were yet enemies* of God (Romans 8:7-11), we WERE reconciled to God by the death of His Son . . . . much more, BEING now reconciled* (made one with God), we shall BE saved* by His Life. By Whom we have now (Today – II Corinthians 6:2) received the atonement* (at-one-ment – John 17:21) !”
Romans 5:10-11
and ref: Desire of Ages, p.161
Quote –
“There is no provision made whereby man can gain Eternal Life, except by the cross of Christ. Those who reject the atonement* made on Calvary are just where Adam and Eve were after the transgression.”
– Signs of the Times, November 3, 1887
Quote –
“Study the Scriptures . . . know that the only thing in which you can safely glory is that which will open to you the gates of the city of God. Learn from the Word of God (Christ Jesus) how to form characters fitted for the country you are seeking.
Know that Christ is to be set forth among you (in your very midst – heart), and that all that was lost in Adam the cross of Christ fully restores to every believing soul !” – Youth’s Instructor, July 7, 1898
“Therefore . . . being now justified* (declared, rendered innocent, just, clean, right, righteous) by faith, we now have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ . . . !” Romans 5:1 and John 14:27
And “as ye have therefore received Christ Jesus [by faith, as] the Lord (Sovereign King),
so walk ye in Him . . . !” – Colossins 2:6 and John 15:1-7
And our Saviour and Mighty God has given to each of us this assurance . . . that “faith shall come by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God !” – Romans 10:17
May our Saviour and Mighty God both bless and keep you today,
strong in faith . . . and the unfailing power of His Life-giving Word !
your friend and brother in Christ Jesus,
Eric Wilson and family – Isaiah Ministries