
Is Disney Safe for Christians ?

     “Finally brethren . . . Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure . . . think on these things !” Philippians 4:8      “For the fearful, and unbelieving (those without saving faith), and the abominable, and murderers (Matthew 5:21-28), and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters

Is Disney Safe for Christians ? Read More »

An Urgent Appeal to our Churches !

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,      I ask that you will share this with every 7th day Adventist, and Christian you know. There is more at stake than many are being led to believe !      “History is repeating. With the open Bible before them, and professing to reverence its teachings, many of the religious

An Urgent Appeal to our Churches ! Read More »