“It is not merely the duty of the minister, but of every member of the church, to represent Christ to the world. They are to catch the rays of Light from Jesus, and reflect them upon souls blinded by error and infatuated with false doctrines. They are to hold up the only true standard of righteousness, which is God’s holy law, while the world is holding up a false standard. Satan is seeking to present Light for darkness, and darkness for Light, the Truth for error, and error for the Truth. He would extinguish every ray of Light shining from the throne of God, and in its place put his darkness.
But the sons of God are here, every one of them, for the purpose of irradiating (shining in) the world ! . . .
“Ye are the light of the world.” Every individual Christian is required of God to be a living, shining light in the world. He must wrestle with God in secret prayer; then he will go forth in the Spirit of Christ to hold converse with men. Anointed for the mission, he bears with him the atmosphere of paradise. His words will be well-chosen, and his face will reflect the image of his Master. He will be the light of the world, a living epistle known and read by all men . . . . !”
–RH March 8, 1887.
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