Noah . . . the upcoming movie !

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Noah ! –
 the story of one of the most epic biblical figures is about to wash ashore to a theater near you. It’s set to be full of action, drama, and suspense. But the one thing it will not be . . . . is Biblical.

With this is mind, we encourage every Christian to read in full the articles included below, before setting this film before their family’s eyes. For the same spirits which influence a films writers, director and actors, is the same spirits which will influence the minds of all who watch it . . . !

The film is based on a graphic novel (fiction) written by Darren Aronofsky and Ari Handel.  The director (Aronofsky) does not even claim any connection to Christianity. Although this would not disqualify him from making an accurate representation of a historical account, however it will introduce a secular and worldly  bias of doubt as to the historic Truth of this Biblical event !

Add to that, that each of his previous films have  not been rated as “family” films, and reviews by Hollywood insiders, describe Aronofsky’s films as graphic, and very “dark.”  It is with that background that the following quote stems from an interview of the director’s past films revealing his intentions when creating a movie

Interview Quote – “Ruby:   You know, a lot of filmmakers seem to be either very literary-based or else very movie-based who just watch movies. You seem to really be developing this new visual style that suits each story. You know, how did you find this third road?

Aronofsky:   It’s probably because I’m godless. And so I’ve had to make my god, and my god is narrative film making, which is — ultimately what my god becomes, which is what my mantra becomes, is the theme !”

Please CLICK below to read the full article from Little Light Studios and learn more about the spiritual dangers of this new upcoming Hollywood release !     – Little Light Studios
and Laymen Ministry – “The Days of Noah” and new documentary !

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