And all the world wondered after the Beast . . . !


     “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard (ref: Daniel 7:1-8), and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion . . . . And the dragon (Revelation 12:7-9) gave him his power (miracle working), and his seat (breastplate), and great authority . . . .

     And I saw one of his heads (Revelation 17:1-10) as it were wounded to death; and the deadly wound was healed . . . . And all the world wondered (admired, marveled) after the Beast . . . !”   Revelation 13:1-8

We encourage you to take time to watch these two powerful documentaries below. And may the LORD (Jehovah, Yehuwah) Bless you with His Spirit and Truth . . . . forThy Word is Truth (Verity, verily so) !”   John 17:17     – Two Beasts Become Friends !   – A Lamp in the Dark,   the Untold History of the Bible !

     And please help us pray for all those who have yet to see the Light of Truth for these final days before Christ’s return in the clouds of heaven! And let us each one work together to scatter the Truths of God’s Word, as the leaves of autumn, and win souls to the Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Yehushua ha Moshiac) !

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