Health Reform & the 2nd Coming of Christ !


There is to be no division between the medical missionary work and the gospel ministry. Medical missionary work is to be to the third angel’s message as the right arm to the body. Both are to work in harmony. Then the Salvation of the Lord will be revealed !

Salvation = Deliverance, rescue, freedom, healing and restoration !

     God not only desires His servants to have faith in the work of His institutions, He desires them to go further than this. They should realize that God wishes them to be living examples of what it means to be well, physically and spiritually. He wants them to show that the Truth has accomplished a great work for them.

     “And when Jesus perceived their thoughts, He answering said . . . . Whether is easier to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee, or to say, Rise up and walk . . . ?”   Luke 5:22-23

“Christ’s work for the paralytic is an illustration of the way in which we are to work ! . . .
When Jesus saw the sufferer lying before Him, what was His first work?   It was to give him peace of mind. The Saviour knew that the paralytic had been tortured by the suggestions of the priests that God had cast him off for his sins.

     “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee !” (ref: Isaiah 38:15-19) were Christ’s first Words. This was what the sick man needed. Peace and joy filled his heart. Some present began to murmur, saying in their hearts, Who can forgive sins but God only? Then, that they might know that the Son of man had power to forgive sins, Christ said to the sick man, “Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way unto thine house.”  Matthew 9:1-8*

     Thus the Saviour has bound together the work of preaching the Truth (Verity of God’s promised Word) and healing the sick, and we are never to divorce them. Christ blended ministry and healing, and there is to be no more separation in our work than there was in His.

     There is to be no division between the medical missionary work and the gospel ministry. Medical missionary work is to be to the third angel’s message as the right arm to the body. Both are to work in harmony. Then the Salvation of the Lord will be revealed !

Salvation = Deliverance, rescue, freedom, healing and restoration !

     God not only desires His servants to have faith in the work of His institutions, He desires them to go further than this. They should realize that God wishes them to be living examples of what it means to be well, physically and spiritually. He wants them to show that the Truth has accomplished a great work for them.

     Those who assemble in our conferences are not always in a fit state to judge righteously. Many suffer from congestion of the brain. Those who assemble in such meetings should first do all in their power to place themselves in right relation to God and to health. If the head is congested, let them find out what is wrong. The brain is disturbed because there is something the matter with the stomach.      Let them find out what is wrong about their diet. Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Ghost ( I Corinthians 3:16-17, 6:15-20), and if we fail to do all we can to place the body in the very best condition of health, we are robbing God of the honor due to Him from the beings He has created . . . and redeemed !

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do . . . Do all to the glory of God !”   I Corinthians 10:31

– 2 Vol. Sermons And Talks p.142


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