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In this 5 part series, filmed on location at Amazing Discoveries, Eric Wilson answers many of the questions which Christians are now facing, as we see the practices of Martial arts, Tai-chi, Yoga and Eastern Healing techniques being brought into, and encouraged in the church.
As a student and instructor for more than 24 years in these arts, Eric learned the secret of the powers behind the Asian martial arts, Qigong, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Now, through these messages, Wilson seeks to share the very real spiritual dangers behind these practices; secrets which the founders and masters have long sought to keep hidden from the novice and uninitiated.
In this first message of the Dragon’s Realm series, Eric reveals how he took that first step onto enchanted ground, and how these Eastern esoteric practices found their way into the west. Practices which claim to be healing, but in reality are but a subtle deception from that serpent of old. Revelation 12:9
Through the journey of his own experience in these arts, Wilson shares what the LORD revealed to him as He was fighting to set him free. That through these Asian philosophies and practices, Satan is seeking to control the hearts and minds of mankind. And through their subtle teachings, introduce a shadow of doubt to the Truth and Verity of God’s unfailing and Life-giving Word !
This 5 part series takes you to the very beginning, and answers those questions with which millions of Christians are now being faced. Questions like . . . Where did martial arts come from?
Who where the masters and founders of these arts?
What role did the eastern religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism play in the creation and development of these esoteric art forms?
What is the spiritual “energy” attributed to their combat and healing techniques?
And from where does this power really come . . .?
Now, learn the answers from the mouth of the masters themselves. See how the dragon (Satan) is using these mystic practices to infiltrate the Christian church with spiritualism;
seeking to subtly blend Light with darkness, and Truth with lies, and preparing the whole world for his last great deception before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And learn of the One great Truth which came to set every captive free !
John 14:6, John 8:32-36 and Luke 4:18-19
The 5 part series (“Dragon Realm”) is also available at Amazing Discoveries online satellite channel, or by digital download. CLICK HERE to check schedule for the next showing –
Please contact Isaiah Ministries to schedule a speaking engagement, or if you have any questions about this and other Biblical Truth.