“This then is the message (Glad Tidings, Promise) which we have heard of Him, and declare unto you . . . . that God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all !”
I John 1:5
Each of us shall have to face this last great deception, which is said will take the world as “an overwhelming surprise.” And even now we are witnessing the subtle delusions being brought in among God’s children, through the teachings of these Eastern mystical teachings, and Spiritual Formation.
We encourage every Christian to examine closely the foundation of their faith. Compare all that you hear with the Word of the Living God. For the Devil has come in like a flood, through not only practices like Tai-chi, Qigong and Yoga, but now through the Eastern philosophies which are being taught to our children from grade school through college.
Please share these clips with all that you are able. And pray in faith that the eyes of all may be opened to see the Light and glorious Truth of the Word of the Living God !
Our Lord (Sovereign King) and Saviour Jesus Christ is coming very soon. Let us all be ready to meet Him !
you may contact Steps to Life, Australia to find out more about Yip Kok Tho, and his ministry – http://www.steps.org.au/Videos/Authors/Yip-Kok-Tho-/ or the link below
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbgpjZ4drJOPl2zqlutVang/videos and also The Dragon Revealed ! disc.1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCg93yOaEzA or Light Shining in the Darkness also from Little Light Studios and Amazing Discoveries – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5i1UzUYS-8