
The Fullness of His Blessing – Awaits Our Demand and Reception !

     To each of us our Lord and Saviour says . . . . “The Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence,* and the violent take it by force !”  Matthew 11:12      This verse of Scripture has often left me wondering . . . What could our Saviour have meant when He spoke these words to […]

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Omega Emerging – a Startling Interview Joel Osteen and Morgan Freeman

     “Be not deceived; many will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines (teachings) of devils . . . . We have now before us the alpha of this danger. The omega will be of a most startling nature !” “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs (tongues, voices, messages, words)

Omega Emerging – a Startling Interview Joel Osteen and Morgan Freeman Read More »

Light Shining in Darkness –

    A new booklet is now available . . . “Light Shining in Darkness – Prelude to the Dragon Revealed !”       This new 64 page booklet is the perfect resource for sharing and literature evangelism. With full color cover and back, the booklet includes a powerful overview of the dangers and spiritual powers which are working

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The Royal Disease – A Closer Look at Daniel’s Prophecies !

     ” And thou, O king, sawest . . . . and behold, a great image, whose brightness was exceeding great, and whose head was of fine gold, his chest and arms were of silver, his belly and thighs were of brass, and his legs of iron, and his feet were part iron and part

The Royal Disease – A Closer Look at Daniel’s Prophecies ! Read More »

International Adventist Prayer Conference – 2017 preview

     “And Jesus answering saith unto them . . . Have faith in God ! For verily I say unto you _______ (your name), What things soever ye desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and ye shall have them . . . !”      “Nevertheless . . . when the Son of

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Our Victory in Christ Jesus Guaranteed !

     “Therefore . . . being now justified* be faith, we have Peace with God (John 14:27) through our Lord Jesus Christ !”   Romans 4:20-25 and 5:1 “What is justification* (innocence, holiness, righteousness) by faith?   It is the work of God in laying the glory of man in the dust (I Corinthians 1:29-31), and doing

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