
Pokémon – Is it Just Fun and Games ?

note:     The original POKEMON characters are known as “sprites,” which according to occult definition are literally fairies, imps or demons . . . A Former Witch Doctor Shares His Thoughts About Pokémon By Danique Tersmette, Little Light Studios, September 26, 2016 There was only one thing in the world for which a 7-year old Dutch girl […]

Pokémon – Is it Just Fun and Games ? Read More »

Controller Level 3 – Battle for the mind of this last generation ?

     “But the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty* through God (Theos – Deity, divinity) . . . to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations, and every high thing (aerial, evil spirits – Ephesians 2:1-2) that exalteth itself against the knowing of God (Isaiah 14 and John 17:3) . . . . and

Controller Level 3 – Battle for the mind of this last generation ? Read More »

Blood on the Doorposts – The power of Christ to restore marriages, families and homes !

     “Our condition through sin is unnatural, and the power that restores us must be Supernatural, else it has no value . . . .       There is but One Power that can break the hold of evil from the hearts of men, and that is the power* of God (Theos – Deity, Divinity) in Jesus

Blood on the Doorposts – The power of Christ to restore marriages, families and homes ! Read More »

Spiritualism, Mysticism and the Coming Great Deception !

3ABN  Dare to Dream expose’  – Begins this Sabbath (Saturday afternoon). Little Light Studios, Isaiah Ministries and 3ABN Dare to Dream network join together this month to share an eye-opening series on Mysticism, Spiritualism and the Coming Great Deception. This series of programs will reveal the role of Eastern spirituality, the Martial arts, Ta-chi, Yoga and

Spiritualism, Mysticism and the Coming Great Deception ! Read More »