
Is “Contemplative Prayer” really Christian ?

A powerful message by a former eastern mystic, whom the Lord Jesus Christ has delivered and saved. This is one of 4 short videos which reveal the present dangers facing our churches across this world, as ancient spiritualism and spiritual formation techniques (such as centering prayer, contemplative prayer, labyrinth walking, spiritual drumming, tai-chi, yoga, mantras, breath prayer and

Is “Contemplative Prayer” really Christian ? Read More »

Eleventh Hour Workers – an intern’s adventure at Little Light Studios

     “At the eleventh hour the Lord will call into his service many faithful workers. Self-sacrificing men and women will step into the places made vacant by apostasy and death. To young men and young women, as well as to those who are older, God will give power from above. With converted minds, converted hands,

Eleventh Hour Workers – an intern’s adventure at Little Light Studios Read More »

The Christian, Martial Arts and Eastern Mysticism ?

CLICK HERE – to watch and download full series.… Or HERE to order the series as DVD –… In this 5 part series, filmed on location at Amazing Discoveries, Eric Wilson answers many of the questions which Christians are now facing, as we see the practices of Martial arts, Tai-chi, Yoga and Eastern

The Christian, Martial Arts and Eastern Mysticism ? Read More »