The Coming of a Universal-Christ !


     “Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist (counterfeit) shall come, even now are there many anti-christs. Whereby we know that it is the last time  . . . !”     I John 2:18-22 & II Thessalonians 2:3-9

     Called a World Teacher, He will allegedly preside (reign) over the destiny of the great world religions. But this is not Jesus Christ, but rather a false Christ. According to Share International’s own website . . . When asked about the role of the Pope, the Maitreya (channeled through author Benjamin Crème) said this:

“The Master Jesus (Maitreya) will take over the throne of St. Peter in Rome, and the true apostolic succession will begin. This event is now imminent, following the declaration of the Christ. It could well be that the present pope will be the last . . . !”

Please read the following article to gain a fuller understanding of the events just before us !

Or contact Eric and Sarah Wilson at Isaiah Ministries for free information on this and other Scripture studies on the events to take place just before the return of Jesus Christ (Yehushua ha Moshiac) in the clouds of heaven !
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