There is a polarization taking place all around us Today . . . . men and women are choosing sides, and standing under the banner of either Christ or Satan. And the sides can be known only as we compare the character with that of the Son of Almighty God, as revealed in His Word . . . . the Holy Bible !
The signs of our Lord and Saviour’s soon return are fast fulfilling each day, and the LORD is pouring out His Spirit and Light as never before. Now is the time to seek the LORD with all of our hearts, that the Light and glory of His character may shine through us, to all those around us each day . . . !
This week, a dear sister in Christ sent us this preview of a film called “Fight Church,” which is scheduled for release this month. In this film we are seeing as we never could have imagined before, the deception with which the dragon, “that old serpent” (the Devil and Satan), is seeking to take the world captive. The minds of men, women and little children are being blinded by the media, so that they are unable to rightly discern between good and evil, Truth and error . . . !
Now, more than ever before we are realizing the LORD’s purpose in calling us to reveal His Light and Truth through our new film, “The Dragon Revealed !” We ask for your prayers, both for our family and I, as well as each of the men and their families at Little Light Studios. We are diligently working many hours each day to have this film ready by end of spring, and Now is the time that the warning must be given. For the world and the church must see in Jesus Christ a Living Saviour . . . . One Who is willing and able to save (deliver, set free, and heal) to the uttermost all that come unto GOD through faith and trust
in Him !
We need in ever greater measure, the gift and Blessing of His Holy Spirit and the mind of Christ, so that we may reveal Him to a world lost in darkness, doubt and sin. What the world needs most of all, is to know the LORD’s great love and desire to set each captive free !
And that the same power which He exercised while here on earth, is available Today . . . . to all who will call upon His name in faith !Please share this message with all that you know. And with prayer, if you are impressed by the Lord, we need your help to make this film ready and available for the lowest possible cost to all who are searching for Light and hope !
Please contact us at the address below or at the link to Little Light Studios if you would like to help with the final work on this film.
Eric Wilson and family – Isaiah Ministries
233 J. Walking Way, Gray, TN 37615
We thank you with all of our hearts. And may the LORD (Jehovah, Yehuwah) Bless you and keep you and your families by His power and might. your brother and sister in Christ,