The response to disc.1 of “The Dragon Revealed” has been tremendous, and we praise the LORD for the thousands of souls who are being won to Christ so far through this project ! The 2nd disc is now available through Little Light Studios and we are working diligently on the final editing of a brand new book, scheduled for release by summer.
We ask for your help to make this a reality. We have had many requests for a printed edition of this work, in which we can share in greater depth, the Light from God’s Word on the very real dangers of these eastern mystical practices, and their growing influence in health care, and the Christian church. Today, we are seeing these same eastern philosophies being subtly introduced into congregations across the world. Through the Spiritual Formation and Emerging Church movements, as well as the practice of spiritual exercises which are rooted in the mystic religions of the Far East, the Devil (ha Satan) is working like never before to destroy faith in the Word of the Living God, which is man’s only hope of Freedom Healing, and Salvation !
We, as God’s children, have been given great Light in order that we may share the Truth while there is still time; Truth (the unfailing verity of God’s promises and Word) which will save millions from the dragon’s last great deception! Please help us now to share this message with those you love, and all those who are yet in darkness. – disc.1
We ask for your prayers of faith, and also that you will share both the link above, as well as this 2nd disc preview with all you know. And if you are able and would like to help, every contribution toward the cost of printing the New Books is appreciated more than you can imagine. You may reach us at our contact number or email below.
I thank you with all of my heart. And may the LORD God bless and keep you
until that great day of His Son’s return !
your friend and brother in Christ,
Eric Wilson and family – Isaiah Ministries
(423) 477-7836