
Ministry and Miracles of the LORD our Righteousness !

     “Christ has all power in heaven and in earth (Matthew 28:18-19). He is the Great Physician, upon Whom we are to call when suffering from physical or spiritual disease. Over the winds and the waves and over men possessed with demons, He showed that He possessed absolute control. To Him have been given the

Ministry and Miracles of the LORD our Righteousness ! Read More »

Victory and Freedom – The Conundrum of the “Balanced View ?”

This article was posted at ADVindicate, and the link to the original article is located at the bottom of the page. We pray that what you read here will be a great blessing to you and those you love ! August 20, 2015 Ron Woolsey Scenario One The year was 1999, and a denominational publishing

Victory and Freedom – The Conundrum of the “Balanced View ?” Read More »