
I have heard My people’s cry . . . !

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoYliQvKM64]      “There are many who long to help others, but they feel that they have no spiritual strength or Light to impart. Let them present their petitions at the Throne of Grace. Plead for the Holy Spirit. For God stands back of every Promise He has made. With your Bible in your hands say,

I have heard My people’s cry . . . ! Read More »

The Abrahamic Covenant . . . and Blessing of the gentiles ?

     “And I will establish My Covenant between Me and thee and thy Seed after thee in their generations for an Everlasting Covenant, to be a God (Elohim – Almighty One) unto thee, and to thy Seed after thee !”        Genesis 17:7      To all men this Covenant offered pardon, and the assisting grace* (G5485) of God

The Abrahamic Covenant . . . and Blessing of the gentiles ? Read More »

The Fight of Faith – how the Victory is made your own ?

     “And I heard a loud Voice saying in heaven, Now is come Salvation and Strength, and the Kingdom (Sovereign, King, Reign) of our God, and the power of His Christ (Anointed One, Anointing): for the Accuser (Satan) of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night . .

The Fight of Faith – how the Victory is made your own ? Read More »