
Wide is the Gate

[youtube=!] Today’s new brand of Christianity has a different gospel and is targeting thousands of the younger generation with a so-called hip, cool, experiential spirituality, much of which is embracing the mysticism of Roman Catholicism with its ecumenical philosophy of uniting people from all faiths to work together and bring about a new world of

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Magic Kingdom – New Film Preview !

[vimeo] Little Light Studios has done an amazing job revealing the dangers presented in many of our media classic and modern day animated films. Learn the truth behind the cartoon characters and Disney films which our children and youth are growing up “enchanted” by. Why is the phenomenon of digital animation and cartoon graphics media

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A Lamp in the Dark – The Untold History of the Bible !

[youtube=] An eye-opening documentary that unfolds the fascinating “untold” history of the Bible, revealing critical information often overlooked in modern histories. Enter into a world of saints and martyrs battling against spies, assassins and wolves in sheep’s clothing. Throughout the Middle Ages, the Papal Inquisition forbade biblical translation, threatening imprisonment and death to those who

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Genesis Conflict Episode 1

[youtube=] Genesis Conflict Episode 1 This is an incredible 8 part expose on creation and evolution. Now I’ve seen many many videos on creation science, and while there are many good ones out there, this may be one of the best. Partly because the speaker is a real professor of zoology, and the chair of

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Back to Eden

BACK TO EDEN shares the story of one man’s lifelong journey, walking with God and learning how to get back to the simple, productive methods of sustainable provision that were given to man in the garden of Eden. The organic growing system that has resulted from Paul Gautschi’s incredible experiences has garnered the interest of

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